Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Learn Spanish Today

I was recently informed by my supervisor that the individual who would be promoted - for the position that I had been working toward - would have to be bilingual (English/Spanish). I was in a panic! I knew that the position was going to be available soon and I hadn't taken Spanish for 25 years since High School. Well, of course I could remember very little. I could count to twenty and Say hello, how are you, etc. Just the simple stuff. i definitely could not carry on a conversation or read correspondence.

I began searching for a course - online of course - that would help me. I didn't have much time outside work and the family so I had to find something that allowed me to learn on my own time when I could fit it in. I searched online for a several days reading about the courses that were out there. A few I had heard of, but they were too expensive and then I found just what I needed! - Learn Spanish Today.

In a matter of 2 weeks I was fluent enough to be considered bilingual and now I am confident that I have all the skills necessary to be chosen for the promotion. The position will be filled by the end of February, so I will keep you posted.

If your job performance would benefit from learning Spanish, or you have Spanish speaking friends, or perhaps you are going on a vacation, this course is just what you need. There is even a free ebook on grammer that they are offering. I did not discover this until after I took the course, but I still asked for it - what could it hurt, it was FREE!

La buena suerte y se divierte!

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