Thursday, November 19, 2009

Ever Get That Scary Early Morning Call?

You know the call to tell you that someone you love has been in an accident. I got that call yesterday morning and it is a call I could live without ever getting again. Fortunately, my nephew (who moved in with us Labor Day weekend) was just fine. Not the case for the other drivers. It was a three car accident. My nephew actually came upon the accident at 6:00 AM right after the first two cars hit head on going more than 60 mile hour each. In the dark, with absolutely no lights, and obstructed by a hill, my nephew only had a feww hundred feet to react. He did amazingly well negotiating between the truck that was now in his lane, a mailbox and a telephone pole to his immediate right. He only took off the driver's side rearview mirror and cracked the front headlight cover.

The other two vehicles were totalled - especially after rescue workers spent an hour using the jaws of life and saws to cut the driver of the car out. He was life flighted from the scene and the driver of the truck was arrested on scene for DUI and driving while high on drugs. (The driver of the car needs as many prayers as possible, so if are so inclined, it would be appreciated.)

The whole experience was beyond frightening. Not only for all those involved and for those of us with loved ones hurt, but for me looking ahead one year knowing that my son will be driving. He will be exposed to those who feel it is no big deal to drink or take drugs and then get behind the wheel. I also found out that this is not that man's first offense, nor does he have insurance. I am sure many of you have heard of simialr situations. The police can arrest these people, even take away their license, but does it really stop them from driving. How many people are killed by multiple offenders who have there license already revoked.

We all need to take an active approach to fighting drunk driving. The police are doing what they can. They have a timeline of wht they want to accomplish and a national media campaign to get citizens involved. But we need to talk with our children, not only about the consequences of them drinking and driving, but not to ride with friends who have been drinking. I know this probably sounds like common sense, but how many of us have really talked to our kids. Do we assume that they know this. I think this is something that we should talk to them often about. So if the situation arrises, they are out with friends and the driver has a few drinks, they will hear our voice in their head and act. I tell talk to my children about this already, even though they are only 15, 12, and 10. I want it to be something so familiar with them that there is no way they will wonder what to do.

Statistics are horrorifying on the number of alcohol related accidents and deaths. It is usually not the drunk drivers who are oncluded in these numbers. Somehow they usually manage to walk away unharmed - as did the man in my nephew's accident. I want to take every precaution that my loved ones are not ever included in these numbers. There are groups out there, one of the most well known is MADD. Check out there site and what they are doing as a group to fight against drunk driving. You can even sign a pledge to eliminate drunk driving.

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