Saturday, November 21, 2009

Need Help With Child Support?

I was doing some research for a friend the other day. She has been divorced for 5 years and hasn't received any child support payments. Of course this has made it very difficult for her financially so I was trying to find a way for her to start getting child support. She has 2 children who are the ones who really suffer from all of this.

When I was searching for information I came across this site It was packed with information, including phone numbers and websites to every State Department of Child Support Enforcement. It also included terms that are often used when discussing child support. It helped me to understand just what my friend needed to do to start receiving child support. There were books offered which showed you step-by-step how to start the process and what to do to keep receiving payments.

After doing this research for her, I was sure that there was other single moms out there who were in the same situation. So I thought I would pass this information along. Even if you can handle the financial aspect of your situation, your children are entitled to the support. Put it aside for them for college or any other major event in their life.

If anyone has any other helpful information they would like to share, by all means leave a comment.

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